SMART Recovery Meeting
Are you in recovery?
Do you know someone who is in recovery and struggling?
Do you want to take back control of your life and your choices?
​Then this program is for you.
SMART Recovery group meetings are held every Tuesday at The Happyness Center. No registration is required. Donations welcome.
Meeting Information
Every Tuesday | 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
At our Happyness Center | #203 - 242 Victoria St. Kamloops, BC
You can also join us online via Zoom: https://smartrecovery.zoom.us/j/98440514761
No registration is required. Donations welcome.
Objective of the meeting
The goal is to provide a supportive and empowering environment where individuals can develop practical skills and strategies for overcoming addiction. Through evidence-based tools and peer collaboration, the meetings aim to foster self-reliance, resilience, and long-term recovery, contributing to each participant's overall well-being and growth.

What is SMART Recovery?
SMART Recovery is a scientific alternative for people seeking independence from alcohol, drugs, gambling, and ending other addictive behaviors. The program is created for abstinence based on science, reason, and humanistic values. This recovery program is based on choice, personal responsibility, proven principles of change, and unconditional self-acceptance. The research evidence supports that people really can and do change their harmful habits. The SMART Recovery group meetings encourage sobriety and inner resilience in vulnerable populations.
SMART is designed to help people find the power to change within themselves. The discussion at meetings is centered around the SMART 4-Point Program:
Build and Maintain Motivation.
Cope with Urges.
Manage Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors.
Lead a Balanced Life.
Our SMART Recovery meetings are led by Edith Farrell and Sri Madhu Sai
Edith Farrell has more than 30 years of experience in the mental health field. She organized, coordinated, and conducted the "Focus Coordinator" program for 16 years that helps mental health clients achieve their personal, professional, and mental health goals. She also supported volunteer placements at various places throughout our community.
Madhu Sai is a registered clinical counselor. He has completed a rigorous 30-hour training course to give attendees the best support and tools.
We combine evidence-based approaches and holistic methods for people seeking freedom from distress and ending all forms of addictive behaviors such as alcohol, drugs, and gambling.
You are in a safe environment and all the discussions are non-judgmental and confidential.
Our 45-minute meetings are highly interactive, conversational, and educational.
We encourage participants to share their successes and challenges so they can receive the tools and support they are looking for.
You will be able to look at and discuss your struggles without fear, shame, guilt, or embarrassment.
Participants learn from each other about specific tools and how to apply them in various situations.
Meetings are self-empowering discussions that include science-based tools that enable participants to become increasingly self-reliant in their efforts to change.
Participants can lead their lives that are more meaningful, productive, and connected.
We invite you to join our meetings every Tuesday either in person or online.

SMART Tools and Techniques
Participants are encouraged to learn how to use the specific tools and techniques and practice them to progress toward a fulfilling and healthy life. The tools include but are not limited to:
Stages of Change
Change Plan Worksheet
Cost/Benefit Analysis (Decision-Making Worksheet)
ABC’s of REBT for Urge Coping
ABCs of REBT for Emotional Upsets
DISARM (Destructive, Image, Self-talk, Awareness & Refusal Method)
Role-playing and Rehearsing
USA (Unconditional self-acceptance)
Hierarchy of Values
Priority List