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The yogic path unfolded: Embracing the eight limbs for holistic harmony. (15 hours)

The eight limbs of Yoga is a comprehensive journey that explores various aspects of self-discipline, self-awareness, and spiritual practices. 

Introduction to the Eight Limbs of Yoga:

  • Overview of each limb and its significance in the yogic path.

  • Understanding how the limbs work together to cultivate holistic well-being.

  • Introduction to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the foundational concept of calming the fluctuations of the mind.

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali provides profound insights into yoga practice, including the Eightfold Path (Ashtanga Yoga)


Yamas (Ethical Guidelines):

  • Tasya Bhumiṣu Viniyogaḥ (2.48):

  • Yama Sutra 2.30: "Ahimsa satya asteya brahmacarya aparigrahah yamah"

  • Translation: "Non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and non-coveting are the five Yamas."

  • Understanding the principle of adapting the practice to the individual, honoring each person's unique journey.

  • Practice discipline on the five Yamas (Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha) and their practical applications in daily life.

  • Reflective exercises on how to embody the Yamas on and off the mat.


Niyamas (Personal Observances):

  • Niyama Sutra 2.32: "Śauca santosha tapaḥ svādhyāyeśvarapraṇidhānāni niyamāh"

  • Translation: "The observances are cleanliness, contentment, austerity, study, and surrender to the Higher power or Divine."

  • Explore the five Niyamas (Saucha, Santosha, Tapas, Svadhyaya, Ishvara Pranidhana) and their relevance to self-care and spiritual growth.

  • Practices for cultivating mindfulness, contentment, and self-discipline.


Asana (Physical Postures):

  • Asana Sutra 2.46: "Sthira sukham āsanam"

  • Translation: "The posture (asana) for Yoga meditation should be steady, stable, and motionless, as well as comfortable, relaxed, and easeful."

  • Reflecting on the balance between effort and ease in the practice of asana, which applies to all aspects of life.

  • Practice yoga, including alignment principles, breath awareness, and variations/modifications for different levels.

  • Focus on creating balanced and purposeful asana sequences.


Pranayama (Breath Control):

  • Pranayama Sutra 2.49: "Tasmin sati śvāsa-praśvāsayor gati-vicchedaḥ prāṇāyāmaḥ"

  • Translation: "When that (steady posture) has been acquired, then the control of prana (life force) through regulation of inhalation and exhalation is pranayama."

  • Understanding the role of prana (life force) and its connection to the breath.

  • Practices for various pranayama techniques, such as Dirga Pranayama (Three-Part Breath) and Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing).


Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal):

  • Pratyahara Sutra 2.54: "Svaviṣayā samprayoge cittasya svarūpānukāra ivendriyāṇām pratyāhāraḥ"

  • Translation: "Withdrawal of the senses (pratyahara) is the bringing of the senses under control, like a tortoise withdrawing its limbs into its shell."

  • Exploring techniques for turning inward and withdrawing from external stimuli.

  • Mindfulness practices, meditation, and sensory awareness exercises.


Dharana (Concentration):

  • Dharana Sutra 3.1: "Desa bandhas cittasya dharana"

  • Translation: "Dharana is the process of holding or fixing the attention of mind onto one object or place."

  • Cultivating focus and concentration through meditation, visualization, and mantra repetition.

  • Practices to enhance mental clarity and develop single-pointed attention.


Dhyana (Meditation):

  • Dhyana Sutra 3.2: "Tatra pratyayaikatanata dhyanam"

  • Translation: "When the mind continuously dwells on one object and is engrossed in it, it is Dhyana."

  • Deepening meditation practices, including mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and visualization.

  • Exploring different meditation techniques and their benefits for mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


Samadhi (Union with the Divine):

  • Samadhi Svarupa Shunya (1.3):

  • Samadhi Sutra 3.3: "Tadeva artha-matra-nirbhasam svarupa-shunyam iva samadhih"

  • Translation: "In that Dhyana (meditation), there is the mere recognition of the object, and it appears devoid of its form. This is Samadhi."

  • Understanding the concept of Samadhi as the ultimate goal of yoga – a state of profound bliss and unity.

  • Practices for experiencing moments of Samadhi through deep meditation, self-inquiry, and surrender.

  • Exploring the nature of Samadhi as a state of pure awareness beyond the ego, which is the culmination of the yogic path.



These sutras offer profound guidance on the path of yoga, leading practitioners from ethical living and physical postures to deep states of meditation and union with the divine. Participants can deepen their understanding of the Eight Limbs of Yoga and integrate them into their practice and daily lives, fostering holistic well-being and spiritual growth.

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